The Liaison to the Board of Governors of Ben -Gurion University on the Negev works within the
Office of the President in coordination with the Vice -President for Resource Development. The
Liaison is responsible for the proper functioning of the Board of Gov ernors, including
communications with board members, following of by-laws, involvement in planning and operation
of meetings of the Board of Governors, and general administration of University awards such as the
Honorary Doctorate.
Specific responsibilities include:
Board of Governors administration
- Ensures adherence to all items in the By Laws.
- Responsible for convening of forums, committees, procedural matters, communication of decisions.
- Nomination procedures, membership requirements and time-limits, and formal communication with
- Ongoing maintenance of members database.
- Responsibility for initiation training for new members.
- Maintaining individual and group communication with board members.
Liaising with the Chair of the Board of Governors and Chair of the Finance Committee
- Represents the Chair of the Board of Governors to the University Executive Council.
- Ensures that both are regularly updated regarding the University.
- Coordinates visits to Israel and travel to other BGU events.
Liaising with the President
- Proactive in ensuring regular communication between the President and Chairman and Vice Chairs.
- Proactive in ensuring regular communication between the President and Board Members.
Annual Board of Governors Meetings
- Ensuring scheduling according to By Laws.
- Responsibility for all BOG formalities and compliance with By Laws.
- Pre- and post- communication with Board Members.
Honorary Doctorate and Other Award Recipients
- Administering the selection process and follow-up.
- Communication with award recipients and relationship management on behalf of the President.
- Coordination of visits to Israel of award recipients.